“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fresh Grounded Faith Conference

Well, I attended the Fresh Grounded Faith Conference yesterday and this morning. It was an encouraging time with other women. The speaker, Jennifer Rothchild is a sweet, sensitive and down-to-earth speaker. An added treat was getting to hear Kathy Triccoli. If you were listening to contemporary Christian music in the 80's you definitely remember her. Fortunately, she isn't stuck in the 80's but shares her story with wit and spunk that only an Italian American woman from Long Island can get a way with at a Christian conference. I'm telling you, if you have not heard her sing and speak...you are missing out. I wanted to go and have coffee with her and get to know her more. The last woman in the trio was Abby Rike. You may know her from The Biggest Loser. I don't watch The Biggest Loser, but found her testimony encouraging. All three women were intelligent and seemed real. Jennifer states that "The ultimate goal of Fresh Grounded Faith is to bring a unifying event to your area that will empower women to live a tenacious faith in Christ." If the conference comes to a city in your area, I encourage you to invite some girlfriends and go. You can find the dates and locations by clicking here.

Here's a video about the Fresh Grounded Faith Conferences:

In addition, Jennifer has written some interesting looking books (I haven't read them yet).  One study that looks particularly interesting is Me, Myself and Lies. I am looking forward to picking up this book and possibly doing the study with a group of ladies. Check out the video promo for the book:

1 comment:

  1. Interesting....I was invited by a former colleague from work to attend a six week Bible study at her church based on "The Fingerprints of God" by Jennifer Rothschild. I was already committed to another Bible study at my church based on Beth Moore's "Esther" but decided to add this to my plate as I rarely get to see my colleague anymore and thought this would be a good chance to spend time with her. I have been impressed with Jennifer's teachings, both in the book but even more so in her video presentations. Good stuff.

