Wellness ideas to make your workplace healthier and happier.
For the past 10 years, research has shown the benefits of Workplace Wellness Programs. Reduced injury claims and insurance costs, fewer sick days and increased performance all point to a healthier work environment. Wellness programs don’t require a huge financial or time commitment, just some creativity and one or two volunteers to get it started and keep it rolling. Here are some great ideas to discuss at the water cooler:
1. Yoga Classes
Transform the lunchroom or a meeting room into a yoga studio by moving some furniture aside, dimming the lights, and laying down some mats. Yoga students needing practical hours to complete their certification may teach for free.
2. Get Active Together
Talk to management about the benefits of rock climbing, hiking, cooking classes, or kayaking – all great ways to build team spirit. You can also host a week-long Step by Step Challenge through the Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society. Everyone raises donations (or pays a fee) and gets a package, including a pedometer to count the number of steps they take in a week. The goal is to meet the recommended 10,000 steps per day to ensure good health.
3. On-Site Chair Massage
Have people sign up in advance for 15-minute mini-massages (be prepared for a stampede). Then designate an office for the day and arrange for a practitioner to drop by. Massage colleges may send a student for free as part of their practical training.
Mahon, D. (2007). 7 weekday de-stressors. Wish. Retrieved August 11, 2010 from http://www.wish.ca/your-life/regulararticle/231/.
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